Sunday, September 04, 2005

Salute to a friend

So I'm breaking the blog silence with a salute to perhaps my best friend on the planet. I think it becomes very evident where you have or haven't invested your relational capital during a time of crisis or great need. Having just passed through one of the most physically demanding weeks of my life...all my rhetoric about community has been put to the test. As it turns out...I've talked alot about community over the past year or so...but haven't really developed much of it. A great lesson has been learned...the hard way as usual.

So to my lifelong buddy (only 8 years now but it will be 58 years by the time I bust out of this clay jar)...Chappy...again I say..."Thanks!" I literally could not have made it through the past week without you. Makes me want to sing some song about Snoopy and Charlie, Batman & Robin, etc, etc :-)

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