Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Limbs and Limitations

Actually, I'll reverse the order of subjects here by starting with limitations. There is really no substitute for face-to-face personal communication. Blogs and email are nice, but my previous couple of posts have illustrated the limitations of this form of communication. So although I subscribe (literally) to new technology and see wonderful potential for all things digital and wireless...I hope to see our culture actually "digress" in some ways regarding the emphasis we place on personal connection, relationships, and authentic community. There is certainly value to be found in the blogging and online communities which we form...but it is not a substitute for the kinds of relationships and community we were designed for.

Now on to "limbs"...that's a comical play on words I suppose for I have crawled out upon once myself! Some would call it a step of faith. Others would call it irresponsible. I can't decide which it is...depending on the day. What I know that we can't make decision based on fear and insecurity. We need to make decisions, especially regarding our future and the future of our families, based on the bedrock of our identities...who we are created to be. To pursue anything other than that path leads us towards spiritual and emotional death.

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