Sunday, May 18, 2008

Show or Go?

Church continues to be a struggle for me. Another stressful Sunday morning trying to piece it all together for the "show."

At 1pm came the pinnacle of ministry and ecclesia for the day as a few of us went to hang out at a local retirement community to sing, pray, and have simple conversations.

One of these things reflected an attempt to fulfill the great commission and be a missional influence for the Kingdom.

The other...not so much.
(Disclaimer: These are generic pictures from the web and not actual photos from our ministry)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"One of these things reflected an attempt to fulfill the great commission and be a missional influence for the Kingdom."

I think anyone who reads this statement knows exactly which one you mean, and yet the "Church" continues to do the show. It boggles my mind, I do not think there is anything wrong with the show, but it is wrong when it becomes more of a focus than actually "going".