Friday, May 02, 2008

Grand Theft Auto IV & Rev. Wright

Actually...others have beat me to the punch on these two topics (since I apparently only post monthly now).

But I did read an interesting article over at "Out of Ur" which addressed the video game release. You can check that out here.

Then my buddy Bob Hunter over at posted something (along with many others) on the Rev. Wright and his outlandish remarks and threats towards Obama.

These are certainly interesting conversation starters, but as I think more about the ways in which we blog and obsess over certain kinds of headlines and topics, it occurs to me how much this kind of writing is preferred over what I might call real life interests and issues.

For instance, what if I was to turn the lens of my attention away from the Rev. Wright to myself. The big story in my life is not ridiculous statements made by this angry wielder of words...but the ways in which I have misused words in my home this past week. Whether it was a rude flippant remark I made to my wife or even the words of encouragement I withheld from my terrific and beautiful daughters, that story is much more difficult to talk about than the fiery debates going on between famous representatives of emergent and traditional evangelical pastor-teachers.

And instead of talking about the potential harmful effects of Grand Theft Auto IV (which are no doubt a reality of some sort) perhaps I should confess that I've spent more time playing World of Warcraft over the past few weeks than I have doing just about anything else?!

As someone who is trying to be a cultivator-creator of community...I keep coming back to authenticity as a core value in relationships and in the church.

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