Friday, May 16, 2008

2008 Reading Goals

Well, I need to catch up a bit on my reading list for 2008. Here it is the month of May and I'm still in the Spades!

The 3 of Spades was Brueggemann's Prophetic Imagination. I've already posted on that read. I'm sure I'll be reading that one again at least every other year. Not a lot of pages there...but quite loaded theologically and practically.

The 4 of Spades was a little book we studied with our men's group at Lifespring. Pretty basic approach to the kinds of struggles men face parallelled with the life of Samson...which was quite a mess! His story is really not what you'd call G-rated Sunday School stuff for kids. And he certainly isn't someone we want to model our lives after.

The next book I really jumped into and devoured was one called Tangible Kingdom by Hugh Halter and his buddy Matt Smay. I bumped into these guys at the Exponential conference in Orlando a few weeks ago...and Hugh's story really jumped out at me. It's basically the story of beginning a very incarnational and missional community in Denver which has grown into something called 'Adullam.'

It really challenges our approach to the Kingdom and inspires you to take a missionary-type approach to living in our culture. The gospel is NOT reduced to praying a prayer or attending 'church.' It's one of those books that I read and think... "I could've written most of that because I've been experiencing it!"

And for a preview of my current book in progress...this one has already been the subject of much criticism and debate, so I want to check it out. My suspicion is that it will pour a little fuel on some of the questions which have been sparking in my mind for some time.

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