Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Long Drive

Have you ever been tempted to jump in your car and just drive?

I don't mean just make loops around the city on your beltway...I mean drive in one direction until you hit a large body of water?

That's where I'm at this time tomorrow I could be in Alabama or the Carolinas maybe?

It's a good time of the year to start at the south end of the Appalachian Trail!


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you brother. I really believe you're where you need to be right now. I know that doesn't mesh with where you'd LIKE to be right now, but you need to just sit tight and stop making major decisions for awhile. It's life. It's not been for for you for awhile, but it's what it is. You've got support, you're loved, let us know if we can do anything for you.

Anonymous said...

Cmon down to the Sunshine State and we can sit down, drink a beer and talk about where we have found ourselves. Stay up man, you are an inspiration to so many!

Tom Fox

Anonymous said...

I so know what you mean, Chris. The idea to throw the tent in the truck and start to drive to Chicago and follow Route 66 to the ocean and take my sweet time has been such a temptation of late. Could it be the restlessness is early onset mid-life crisis? ;-)