Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Searching Saga

So...I hit a little snag this weekend with my future career in ministry. Actually, it has resulted in a helpful process of re-defining and clarity. But I walked away from an interview completely confused about whether I would ever really "fit" again in a church staff ministry context. I found myself wanting to jump back into the friendly world of Starbucks management where expectations are clearly defined and pretty easy to achieve. But as the day wore on...my self-talk (and God-talk) lifted me out of that despair and a perfectly timed phone call from Virginia encouraged me immensely! There ARE churches out there (and pastors) who can almost perfectly articulate my angst and passion!

And then this morning...I had an encounter during the midst of this saga of searching which truly lifted the spiritual fog which had settled in over me. Basically, I had a conversation with a couple of leaders/pastors in which my dream model of youth ministry was being articulated without me having to say a word. I'm just literally speechless about it right now and waiting for the divine nod, nudge, no, or whatever!

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