Thursday, August 11, 2005

My Girls to the Rescue

My ride yesterday should've been about 50 or 60 miles...if I had finished it! I had not been eating healthy for the past few days or even been on the bike in over a week due to that bad spoke. So I should have done 20 to 30 miles. As is my usual custom though...I bit off more than I could chew and called Deb and the girls in as my "lag" vehicle. I had left a voice message at home with pain in my voice and being out of breath. Jess heard and asked Deb, "Is daddy okay??" She got a kick out of coming to my rescue as I heaved the bike into the trunk of the car.

Ooops...lunch break is over at Starbucks. Just a few more days.

Big interview Friday evening...if you're the praying type...please throw one up for us!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris, I don't mean to put my nose where it doesn't belong, but you have peaked my curiosity with all this talk of interviewing. Might you email me some small details. durstinecuador