Saturday, August 20, 2005

Catalyzing Community

That's the phrase I used in a philosophy of youth ministry which I just hammered out. Ministry ought to have a significant emphasis on building authentic community and developing relationships within the body of Christ...relationships which contribute to spiritual transformation.

But then the question came at me..."What does that look like in the life of middle school student?" And I thought to myself...that's a great question!

For the past couple of years in seminary, Starbucks, and ministry (what a combination)...I've been processing all kinds of stuff which has led me to some seemingly great conclusions in my own life about community, intimacy with God, suffering, reconciliation, and more. Now comes the difficult task of translating these truths into meaningful and practical terms for students. With confidence I'll move towards that goal...but it's just not the kind of stuff that's easy to explain in one sentence or less. I want to say to people what Christ said...just come follow me...we'll learn together. I'm sure of the destination...which is the journey itself.

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