I've been packing up my books at home...which has turned into a monumental project. I really have too many books. But anyway...it's fun to come across titles which I've previously read and reflect on their impact on my life. One book in particular which caught my attention (as I packed up the box labeled spiritual formation) was Soul Space by Jerome Daily. It was one of the books I was reading or had just read when I started this blog last year. The concept is simple and has to do with the need for simplicity. Our souls become cluttered in much the same way that the peripheral spaces of our homes become cluttered. It takes constant effort to maintain uncluttered living space in the deep places of our souls. Because the spiritual interior of our lives is not visible to the typical bystander, church acquaintance, or even some family members...it is so important that we take time to reflect and submit our souls to God's transforming gaze. For me...that's the pursuit of holiness. The sanctification of our hearts, minds, and wills is a setting-apart-act which is performed on us as we position ourselves in postures of yieldedness to God. I don't DO anything to get holy. I just position myself to get closer to the sanctfier...the holy presence...the transforming Spirit of God which nourishes my soul like a steady rain after a long unquenchable dryness.
When you're positioned for transformation and the awareness of grace seems intensified, it's a wonderful time...even in the midst of trial or suffering...because God's presence in adversity is better than even the best of circumstances without that awareness.
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