Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

I'm in an argument with my daughter of 3 years right now. She is trying to convince me that a sticker on my computer is Sleeping Beauty rather than Cinderella. Now I'm calling her Sleeping Beauty and she says "I not Sleeping Beauty...see my hair" (she says holding up a lock of her own hair to show me the different color) "Sleeping Beauty has yellow hair!"

"Well then," I say "I will call you Jaquey the Beautiful."

She smirks and reluctantly decides "I guess you can call me that."

I hope she will continue in her simple, innocent, creative, and energetic approach to life for many more years.

There definitely comes a point when simplicity gives way to complexity...innocence is darkened with shame...and the energy necessary to simply exist is daily spent with many minutes leftover. But I have to believe that this is living under the curse and not the blessing. Why would we choose to live in Genesis 3 rather than chapter 2?

In some ways right now, I feel this incredible amount of freedom and decreased anxiety. Our lives have really been simplified. We no longer spend 4 or 5 of our evenings each week "doing church." Faith and spirituality are integrated into our everyday lives in what seems to be a more healthy way. On the other hand, my level of spiritual "activity" and ministry involvement is so drastically reduced that I feel like a back-slidden heathen. I'm exaggerating a bit...but I definitely have a nagging sense that in walking away from church (for the most part) that I've walked away from God. But I'm wondering if that is just the result of being in an unhealthy balance for so many years?

Our search for a place and a gathering continues. I think if I can put aside some petty irritations and be a little more optimistic, we can settle in at LifeSpring and get to know some people there. Part of the reluctance on my part, though, has to do with the uncertainty of where we'll be living in six more months. I don't think the current situation (with my wonderful in-laws) can continue much beyond that time fram, but it just depends on how quickly we can turn things around financially.

We shall see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I just wanted to share with you that I have found that not going to "church" has equaled more time for being the church. I am open to the possibility that many are doing both - going to "church" and being the church. It appears though that many are being led out of the "church" and this has helped them discover church in a way that had never imagined.

I am enjoying the following of your journey.

Take care,