Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Examination Day

Well, just to bring everyone up to speed on the newest iron in my fire...I've been studying for about 2 months to become certified as a personal trainer. "Why" you may ask? Well, there are two reasons really. I've always been one of those health & fitness wannabe's. For some reason though, my goals just always eluded me typically due to a lack of discipline. I can remember about 3 different times that I purchased a gym membership and failed to take full advantage of it. But something clicked during our transition to Cincinnati and I decided that part of my journey towards health & wholeness would include physical fitness. Then I also realized that my income at Starbucks would not adequately support our family let alone propel us towards our goals of debt-lessness. As I pondered the possibilities of another part-time job, I knew it had to be something that would not feel like a job...something I could be passionate about...and something that would pay pretty well. At first, I wasn't sure such an opportunity existed (since I wasn't interested in speaking engagements, youth retreats, or worship "gigs" anymore). But after watching an episode of some reality-TV-meets-the-gym show, I thought...Eureka! I've found it...I'll be a personal trainer.

After cramming the names of obscure muscles and various principles of biomechanics and exercise physiology for the past two months...I spent four hours on the "final exam" this morning and just received the results via email a few moments ago.

I passed!!

On top of that, I've had two great interviews at a couple of private training studios here in Cincinnati and have a great door of opportunity at perhaps both of them. I should be training some clients within a few weeks. Both of the facilities are near my favorite part of the city and close to where we'd like to relocate sometime soon.

Enough about me though...God is saying some great things and affirming some things through the God Journey. I know I've referenced their stuff before...but you should definitely check out this episode. Give it a listen and come back for some dialogue.

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