Have you had one of those recently? A great day? It's nice when they come along.
A combination of activities and factors contributed to the day's greatness:
1. Taking Jess as a family to her new school on the first day...exciting.
2. Going back to bed for a good recovery nap from the weekend's activities.
3. A "Daddy Daughter Date" to the park with Jaquelyn.
4. A long conversation with someone about faith and spirituality
5. A meal together with the family
6. Time with some good friends.
Mondays are typically a day that I reserve for family and/or personal "margin." Often times, the margin in our lives gets hijacked by the urgent, but today was different. The blank space around this page of our lives remained open and available for random and relational notations.
A very difficult conversation I had today was involving my Starbucks affiliation. That will officially end in about a month, but my last scheduled day in the store is this Saturday Sept 1st! Yeah...shocker, eh? (for some of you)
The time has definitely come though to cut loose from the Green Siren and focus my efforts elsewhere...as well as just freeing up some of the margin I mentioned above.
Without enough margin, every area of our lives suffer: emotional, spiritual, financial, and moral. Yet we excuse our crammed schedules because we're being productive, good stewards, efficient, etc. It's just not true. The old saying is true...less is more.