Sunday, March 04, 2007

A New Week

Some weeks begin with a sense of dread and a return-to-the-grind mindset (pun intended).

This week is different.Hope is an amazing thing!

I'm still thinking through the idea of success though. As Phil mentioned in the Out of Ur post I referenced last time, I really believe that success is not what we're conditioned to think it is...even in the church and in ministry.

How is success defined in Scripture? What words of Christ could we say encapsulates an authentically God-honoring concept of success?

James says that pure religion is looking after orphans and widows in their distress. Old Testament prophets would suggest something similar...letting justice roll along like a river...taking care of the poor and oppressed. Obviously, at some level it's about living a life of faith and total dependence/reliance on God (Ruthless Trust--by Brennan Manning is in my head right now).

I become more and more convinced that the Americanization of the gospel and simply being raised in this culture creates some serious handicaps for us spiritually.

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