Friday, March 16, 2007

Following the Green Siren

A quick biographical blurb: The java journey has brought me back to Cincinnati. I'm helping out at a new store in Florence for a little while. If I decide to continue in management with Starbucks, I'll just hang out here until a better opportunity comes along.

We continue to build relationships at our new church (Lifespring Nazarene) and I'm helping as the interim worship pastor there. With my background and experience in the church, my calling, and my education...the question of vocational ministry looms large in my mind. I can't seem to settle in with Starbucks and find a level of contentment there. Of course, contentment has been quite an allusive concept for me for several years.

We're hoping to have some level of clarity on our path in the next few months so that we can find a more permanant housing situation and get the girls settled into a new school in the Fall. That's not going to be fun since Jess already argues strongly for another year of homeschooling. She's just scared to be in a new environment again and be forced to make new friends. I completely understand!

I'm watching UK begin to pull away from Villanova. Perhaps Tubby will get to keep his job after all?

By the way, Greg...I don't know about a new store on 5 Mile...but there's definitely a new one opening around Beechmont in May or June (across from the Cherry Grove Kroger). Drop me an email sometime so I can make sure I've got your e-ddress.

Any Rob Bell fans out there? What do you think about his teaching and some of his critics' opinions? I just read a nasty article which basically called him an unorthodox new age heretic. Then I found a good article on Ben Witherington's blog where he kind of dismantled one of Bell's big ideas from a nooma video (and from his book). Just makes me wonder if I've soaked in the Mars Hill teachings without much filtering?


Katrina A. said...

Enjoy the worship thing!!! My husband and I have recently started leading the worship for the youth and for the first time I know what it is like to be using my gift EXACTLY where God wants me and it is amazing. I have done soooo many different things within the church and I never felt like "wow, this is what I was created for" until now. It's an amazing feeling. On another note, the whole chruch as an institution dillema is something I am really praying and seeking God about now. I have basically answered the question in my own heart, but haven't figured out how to articulate it yet. Thanks for the challenge!!

Anonymous said...

Hey man, would like to look at the site that called Rob a heretic. I have been a fan of Rob Bell for some time, and have read The Velvet elvis book and appreciate all that he is trying to do and communicate. The guy in the blog wrote: "One thing that becomes clearer, the more of these films that one watches-- Rob sees the world has highly dysfunctional and most if not all people are broken and have ‘issues’." Is that not the truth? It seems like all the churches we have been apart of and the whole christian thing in general is trying to cover up that fact. Maybe we could be better off being honest enought to admit we got some problems and issues, all of us, and then in community atempt to work them into managle bitsize pieces. It appears we have created a system that is quick to judge, and one that is always criticizing. Wow, I really want to be apart of that, not! I have been following your journey and am encouraged by your story, I have found myself in search of the same clearity and understanding. Oh yeah, by the way, BUY THE KAYAK MAN!

Anonymous said...

I am torn when it comes to Rob Bell. I like him, I think we would be friends if our lives crossed paths. But sometimes when I watch a Nooma video with our students before breaking up for small group discussion I feel like I'm left wanting. Wanting him to finish the lesson. Like he leaves something out once in a while because it might be caustic or uncomfortable. We just watched one last week that left me especially unsettled (Mr. Loudspeaker). I felt like he completely ignored the fact that there are consequences to our sin. I don't think we should beat people over the head with their sinful nature, but unless they understand their soul is in jeopardy, how do you offer them salvation? People won't accept salvation if they don't know they need it.

By the way, my e-mail is gregpalmer1 at juno dot com.