Wednesday, July 19, 2006

House Church

Just had an encouraging conversation with a friend. Thank God for those, eh?!

Part of our discussion included our mutual interest in the "house church" as the kind of community we would both like to experience. I've had limited contact with those who are experiencing such an environment of koinonia and charis. As always, it's difficult to discern what one might be drawn towards simply in reaction to the contemporary church experience which is so prevalent in evangelicalism right now (and especially our own tribe/denomination).

I just think there's so much about our current church model which doesn't connect to genuine Kingdom living or even get integrated into one's daily life. It's an alternative environment one steps in and out of. And most parents are very disconnected from the spiritual responsibility for their own children. Is it better to shuttle our kids to the biggest program in town and abdicate much of our parental calling to others?

1 comment:

James said...

Yes to the conversations
Yes to the house church concept
Yes to the caution concerning motive/reaction.

I don't think this is significant to our denomination though. It is cross-denominational and nationwide.

Yes, Yes, Yes to the entire last paragraph. Oh man! Yes! We are shifting our ministry in a major way this summer. By the fall our ministry will not really allow, or at least make it easy, to drop the kids and run. We are calling the parents to come. We'll see how it goes.

On the house church concept. I have been on that for a couple of years now and have slowly shifted on how it could/may look if we (Kelly and I and others) choose that route. As I have engaged others, I think the shifts in my thinking are good, but I have a long way to go... but man do I long for that reality!