Thursday, July 06, 2006

Good Point

In a recent article from Out of Ur , the author ends with this:

"Nevertheless, in my mind, if we are going to pick on Potter, we must pick on Pirates. Otherwise, perhaps Christians should keep their mouth shut about both."

I think it's a good call for consistency. This is certainly one of the great hypocrisies of Christianity and religion in general...inconsistency. You could probably say the same for issues of homosexuality and poverty or aids crisis. Which of these issues are more important? But which issue gets the most evangelical attention?


Anonymous said...

the one with more commercials.

James said...

xChris. I haven't checked blogs in a long, long time. I was on vacation since I saw you last and then wasn on vacation catch up. It has been good to catch up with the stirrings in your life. I will be praying for direction, peace and clarity for you, as I seek the same things in my life. Thanks for the transperancy.