Thursday, February 14, 2008

Slow Down...I'm Fasting

During this season of Lent, I have decided to fast for an extended period of time. I've been reluctant to blog about my fasting for what seemed like obvious reasons. But I know there are at least a handful of people reading this who might be inclined to join me in prayer (not in fasting) and I would value that very much.

The purpose of my fasting is three-fold:

1. To humble myself before God and experience His grace in prayer.
2. To condition my heart, soul, and mind to hunger for God more than food.
3. To break an unhealthy relationship with fun more so than fuel.

I just read another great article entitled "Biblical Fasting" which you can track to by clicking on the image if you'd like.

I'd be interested to hear what some of your experiences have been with fasting....good or bad. Feel free to post anonymously if you prefer not to call attention to it/yourself.

I am also virtually connecting with Kevin Rains and friends over at Vineyard Central in Norwood as they focus on Isaiah 58 during this season. If you're on Facebook, I'd encourage you to go check out the group there. Kevin has posted a great paraphrase of that chapter...which ironically for me has much to do with fasting.

So I'm half-way through Day 9 and not the least bit hungry. As some of you know, the first 2-4 days are the absolute worst. Pray that I get hungrier and hungrier for God...until my soul starts growling more loudly than my spoiled abdomen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The most fruitful fast I ever participated in was a TV fast over the summer. Home from college, plenty of time to lay around and watch TV right? Rather that summer showed me how little I would actually miss the television, and suprisingly my reading increased greatly.

I think for me this was much better than any food fast I have done because I was giving up something that took a greater amount of time in my day. When you don't waste 4,5,6, hours watching TV, how can you not spend time with God?