Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ash Wednesday Observed

I have come to see the Christian calendar, and a variety of liturgical celebrations as much more significant in the past few years. This first day of the Lenten season is especially important in my mind and in my journey.

If you are not familiar with the origins and rituals of Ash Wednesday, I encourage you to just Google Ash Wednesday or click on the Wikipedia image for a direct link.

I think repentance, humility, and fasting are worthwhile pursuits. Another community I've linked up with to observe these sacraments over the next 40 days are my friends over at Vineyard Central in Norwood. You can review and/or join their group on Facebook here.

I just read Isaiah 58 this morning and it is a great challenge for true fasting and for justice. My intentions for this season of Lent will be to pursue acts of justice (on whatever scale possible) and humbly pursue the heart of God. Identifying with the life, ministry, and teachings of Christ should certainly bring about some transformation in my life over these 40 days (and beyond) if I give the Spirit permission to convict, guide, and reform me.

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