Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Theology of Gratitude

I just realized that I haven't paused recently to really thank God for what's right in my world. There are many things to mention. Here are a few...

We have a place to live (where the in-laws aren't upstairs!)
Disclaimer: I love my in-laws

We have a great community of people to worship and chase after God with

I have two beautiful daughters and a smokin' hot sexy wife (woo hoo!)


We've transitioned from a desert experience into an oasis
(spiritually speaking)

God has restored one particular relationship in our lives!
(if you know who you are...thank you)

We are developing some great relationships with 2 couples in our small group.

I recently got to hang out with two of my best friends ever in Columbus and see some old friends and youth groupers.

I'm learning how to fly fish.

The Johnson's (our new pastor/friends/confidantes/etc)

Golfing with my little brother on his birthday.

Well, the more I type...the more that come to mind. Suffice it to say, we are blessed and often are nearly as aware of the blessings as we are of the trials.

1 comment:

myoldblog2009 said...

fly fishing and family are good things.

good for you dude.

be grateful.