Wednesday, June 22, 2005

On 'Pride' and Pubs I begin to reflect a little more on daily life and figure out how to wisely invest in relationships, I find myself dealing with two big issues.

First, many of the people I would like to share some life with spend a good bit of time in the local 'pubs' of our land. That presents two practical problems for me...well, one at least. Problem #1 is the risk of reputation within my 'religious tribe.' Problem #2 has to do with my convictions regarding social drinking. If I believe it's morally fine for someone else to drink responsibly, do I really "believe" it if I don't step off my moral pedestal to join them?

The second big issue is probably a moot point for many of you, but it's potentially a fine line for me. Columbus' Gay Pride Parade is this weekend. I have several friends from Starbucks who will be representing the company and its celebration and embrace of 'diversity.' I'm drawn to the event and wish to show my friendship, support, and human solidarity to my friends. There's this little evangelical conservative part of me that speaks a different language.

I'll get back to you on these two topics...


Anonymous said...

Whew boy howdy! Well, I would ask this trite, cliche phrase. What Would Jesus Do? Personally, I think he'd be building the relationship with the friend in the pub. As far as the drinks of choice go, if I believe it's okay for someone to like Coke, but it's not my preferred drink, is it morally contradictive for me to drink Pepsi in front of them?

As for the gay pride, again I think Jesus would love them as humans and befriend them, even though every fiber of his being disagreed with their lifestyle.

That's just my $.02

Mr. Bill said...

I realize this may be on the other side of the decisions but nonetheless...pray about it, trust the Holy Spirit, forget about reputation, and love people.