Friday, July 11, 2008

Resistance, Gravity, & Balance

The apostle Paul said it like this,

"For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.
For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do–this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it."
--Romans 7:18-20

I understand this concept very well from a sin perspective. The analogy I'm seeing in my life right now though is not so much a sin problem as a productivity problem. There are good things I want to accomplish and productive things with which I'd like to be engaged. (fitness, landscaping, study, reading, family time, etc) But I sense some type of force acting against me. Perhaps it's gravity. I like John Mayer's perspective on this force...

" working against me. Gravity...wants to keep me down."

When I saw him in concert here in Cincinnati with my good friend Jason Mossman, the song built up to a philosophical and aesthetic climax at the line... "Keep me where the light is." Everything in the auditorium darkened except for the most powerful and immense white light I've ever seen. It shone from behind John and penetrated the darkness from one side of US Bank arena to the other. It was one of those 'secular' moments which had profound spiritual effects.

But I feel as though there's a force of some sort which wants to keep me down. In physical, spiritual, emotional and even intellectual ways...there's a battle going on that isn't totally moral or spiritual but definitely has implications in those areas as well.

On the other hand, I do not mean to imply that productivity is or should be the goal. There's a healthy sense of balance and rhythm to our lives right now that has resulted from less effort to do and more effort to be. Although my past conditioning to produce and tendency to live a more driven lifestyle often disrupts this contentedness, I have no desire to return to such an approach.


Anonymous said...

It seems the older I get, the more I want to do. There never seems to be enough time. I am praying about how to organize my life for more energy. I spend too much thinking and planning and not enough time doing.

I love John Mayer. His new DVD with the trio set is unbelievable. I love what he does with the blues. BB King must be proud. I find that after I listen or watch him, I stay away from my guitar for a while.

In my estimation, his best piece is "Stop this Train." How can a guy that young have that much insight?

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't think I have ever been very balanced. I envy people who are disciplined and balanced. I remember listening to John Maxwell speak regarding daily disciplines and how the disciplines allow him to keep a rigorous schedule. I'm thinking to myself, but when do you sleep? I'm sorry, I'm just not there. I've beat myself up long enough. I learning to go with the flow a little more and not forsake great moments when they come along. In addition to that, I've always had a hard time transitioning from task to another. Ugh! Is anyone as messed up as me?