Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A Plea for the Tithe

I was reading this article

and felt inclined to respond with this...

I appreciate the spirit in which this article is written...and the biblical principles of financial stewardship which would motivate someone to get out of debt and handle money in a biblical way. BUT, I'm exploring this concept of the tithe and wondering why we adhere so closely to a potentially obsolete old testament directive when the actual tithe is not mentioned by Jesus, Paul, or any other New Testament authors as a directive for followers of Christ.

In fact, the New Testament standard may at times be more rigorous than 10 percent (e.g. the rich young ruler).

One of my main concerns however is that our soap box sermons on tithing are quite self-serving when they come from an institution which spend 80 to 90% of monies raised (tithe etc) on staff salaries, facilities, and maintenance. A paltry amount of that hard-earned tithe ever makes its way past the grubby needy hands of the institution.

Maybe that's just the dozen or so churches I've attended or served as a pastor at?!

Where's everyone else at on this subject?


Unknown said...

my thought is that paul would have been just as charged up about our tithe-or-be-cursed message as he was about the get-circumcised-or-be-cursed message. it is not consistent with the freedom that we have in jesus.

Lew said...

yeah. i agree with rob and you on this. totally. we WISH God was after some small percentage of our anything...

He is so 100%, all through the Scripture. What shall we do about that?
I dare say the very depths of our hearts and daily living will be transformed in the yeilding of faith...

Paul Dazet said...
