I'm preparing to teach a message on the radical Calvary-like love of Christ this coming Sunday at our church, Lifespring.
Recently, I've been influenced quite a bit by the writings and words of Greg Boyd up at Woodland Hills Church in Minneapolis-St. Paul. One of the things which has really endeared me to his teaching is his thorough understanding and use of Scripture. He is a biblical scholar and passionate communicator of Kingdom truth.
Anyway, he shared this image on his blog as he was discussing the ways in which our affiliation with our worldly kingdom (America) taints our understanding and impedes our ability to manifest the radical kind of love which Christ modeled and taught. Apparently, this image stirred up a great deal of protest...from Christians of course...probably because we want to demonize our enemies and justify our hatred of certain people or people groups.
These attitudes, actions, and aggression-justifying rhetoric are all undermining the Kingdom of God way of love. Forgive me, Father, if I think I'm any more deserving of your love than is Osama or any other perceived 'enemy.'
When is hate justified?
Does God hate?
What does Scripture say about hate?
amen chris - AMEN!!!
it sounds like you already have found a few versus in the inspired-library about hate. i really hope you are not letting those versus get in the way of God's love flowing through you more freely.
Inspired-library of hate?
No, it's important to fully understand what God hates in order to appreciate and understand what He loves.
If we look at the New Testament, Jesus is recording as being angry once, when he ran the money changers out of the temple. Did he hate the money changers? Absolutely not. Rather he hated the way they were treating the temple. We commonly confuse Gods disdain for an action as an excuse to marginalize a people group or individual.
Good example about the money changers.
But let's examine the whole counsel of God and look at what the Old Testament reveals.
When the children of Israel made for themselves a golden calf and said that 'it' was the god who delivered them out of Egypt.
Why did God slaughter 3000 of them that day? Why did God strike Uriah dead when he was only trying to keep the ark from falling to the ground? Why did God strike down over 20,000 Hebrew men when David went against the advice of good counsel and went ahead and numbered the children of Israel?
In order to understand the love of Jesus, and understand why He had to die on a cross (because of the joy set before Him)....we have to fully understand the hatred of God.
The cross doesn't just represent God's deep and abiding love for us. It also represents His hatred for sin and sinners who turn away from Him and become lovers of themselves and their own pride.
And sinners will never have a full and complete understanding of God's love until they have a full and complete understanding of His wrath for sin and sinners.
No one fully appreciates a fine being paid for them until they realize that they broke the law and what the penalty for breaking the law is.
Lastly, the New Testament does end with God finally judging sin. Many will repent and be saved at that time, but, many will stiffen their necks and harden their hearts and encur the wrath and hatred of God.
If we understand what God hates, we will appreciate and celebrate His love. If we understand God's Law, we will understand His grace.
Preach law and grace.
That's why we have an Old and New Testament. Jesus didn't come to abolish the Law. He fulfilled it.
I figured that post would illicit some discussion.
First of all, it's a big pet peeve of mine to see people comment anonymously. Even if you don't want an account with blogger, please have the courtesy to end your comment by "signing" your first name at least.
I'm not sure that you can support an argument for God hating sinners anywhere in Scripture. And I agree that Jesus fulfills the OT...but I believe we should look to Christ, his example, and his teachings when it comes to our current attempt to faithfully live as Kingdom citizens.
Mike...you're certainly right about the money changers. Interesting that what fired Jesus up so much in that instance was the misappropriation of God's house and even God's name. The religious leaders and sacrifice-peddlers were misusing God's name and God's property to make a profit and displace the those who should have been praying in the court of the gentiles.
Thanks everyone for chiming in!
i just stepped back to see if you had followed up. i am using "inspired-library" to point to the reality that you call "the old and new testament".
and my suspecions appear to be accurate, that is, you already had your cut-and-paste proof-texting in place and appear to be merely baiting an arguement with your initial comment on this post.
it appears to me that you a presenting a "god" very similiar to other "gods", that is, a "god of anger" who needs a child sacrife to be appeased. so - "god" beats the shit out of jesus because "god" hates us and our twistedness, and now that "god" has dealt with that pesky abusive side, now "god" can offer us forgiveness and grace.
that is not the beautiful One that i am discovering.
Yeah...thanks for following up, Rob. I think it's pretty shaky ground to selectively decide when we're going to use the Old Testament to support our practical theology. We're not ready to resubmit ourselves to every little command in Leviticus...but if it serves my argument...I'll throw sick the "Old Testament Yahweh" on someone.
I don't mean to be antagonistic here...that's just how your argument comes across.
I personally have no affection for Osama myself. But that's just my humaness speaking. And that's where we end up taking the wrong turn. We trust in our humaness to sort things out and end up not liking the results. That is why Jesus sent the Spirit. So that men might infused with power from on high. Not a fleshly power, but a Godly power. Anyway, left to myself, I would personally take Osama out. I would send him to guantaunamo and make him poop in a stinky porta potty for the rest of his life. (That might actually be a step up from the dirty cave he's been living in). But anyway, left to myself, I would not treat him very well. But then there is the Spirit who leads us into the ways of Christ. As Len Sweet says, are we really Spirit filled people (pnuematists)?
-Bob Hunter
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