Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What Would Jesus Cut?

In a weekly e-zine article I receive from www.sojo.net Jim Wallis includes this statement:

"Budgets are moral documents, and they reflect our national priorities and values."

Issues of economics were my biggest sticking point with Bush in the last election. Perhaps it had something to do with my Starbucks experience, but I came very close to casting my vote for John Kerry precisely on this point. The title of the above article which I referenced was something like...The Death of Compassionate Conservatism. And I must admit that current issues of social concern seem to be receiving inadequate attention from the religious right.

And I've been one to make the argument for allowing the church to tackle some of these needs rather than the government, but let's be honest...if 40,000 students get cut from a reduced-lunch program at their schools, our churches won't do squat about it!


Anonymous said...

hey chris -
not sure if you remember me, but i had you for a jterm class in '03. i wasn't there all that much though b/c my mom passed away that month. i'm friends with your brother bill through landing place and what not. just thought i'd say hey. i'll be checking in on your thoughts from time to time.
be well...
--kelli shearrron

Brandon Sipes said...

yeah but they'll certainly make sure those fags can't marry.

why aren't you going with us to this conference?

and why haven't we biked together yet?

Chris said...

Hey Kelli...I do remember you! And I think I saw your name somewhere recently and wondered if I was making the right connections in my head. It's been so odd to start connecting people who know my big brother. Our worlds were so separate for awhile. This is better.

Brandon...you're right we should have biked together by now.