Saturday, June 21, 2008

Home In the Rain

Ah...after being away from my girls for the entire week, it was great to have some time this afternoon to enjoy a little game of "Trouble" with my girls. Nothing like spending a few minutes trying to 'pop' a 6 so I can get my little green man around the game board!

Then the rain hit quite intensely and scrubbed the air clean, cooled things off, and provided an anesthetizing soundtrack of white noise for our listening pleasure.

Well, it's Saturday night...and that requires my typical routine of finalizing details for our worship gathering on Sunday morning. I like to make sure I have all the music copied and ready along with the 'service script' which just gives a very basic idea of the overall flow and order of songs, scripture, prayer, teaching, etc.

And it's always interesting to anticipate a cancellation or some other type of snafu which occurs just about every Sunday. Is there a way to experience corporate worship without being so dependent on individual 'players?' Could we plan a worship gathering which wouldn't collapse if one, two, or even three key people didn't show on Sunday morning? One of these days, I'll be part of a worship gathering which is completely spontaneous, guided by the Holy Spirit, and effective whether it's attended by 3 or 3 hundred!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spontaneous worship--what a concept. After writing service orders for years and scripting everything to fit into an hour and fifteen minutes, it makes me wonder if we are missing something. In fact, I'm pretty sure we are.

As much as we say that worship is all about Him, and not about us, I think we are mostly deluding ourselves. I think we program our worship times based upon the average American attention span (about seven-and-a-half minutes between commercials), and the consumeristic preferences of our audience.

It makes me hungry for the days of a couple of guitars and a living room full of people who aren't in a hurry to go anywhere next.