Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today's Rant...Vent...Eruption

My good friend, Bob, over at plungefaith responded to one of my previous posts and it provoked this response from me (in case some of you don't backtrack everyone's comments in an OC sort of way like I do!)...

So Bob...have you read Brian's books? Because I'm really not even going to have serious conversations with anyone who's just taking a "he said, she said" or Len said approach to someone's writings. What happened to Leonard anyway? I haven't heard a peep out of him for 2 or 3 years now.

Can you explain this newly packaged version of liberation theology and what's theologically or biblically unsound about it? And I'm not sure any of us white American males should even raise a blood-stained finger towards someone for which liberation has been a serious issue.

If I only agreed with what comes out of Christianity Today's religious spin machine...I certainly wouldn't even be reading Brian's stuff.

Polarization? The religious and theological landscape is already as polarized as take on Brian's approach in "Generous Orthodoxy" is that he genuinely wants these polarized camps to meet on as much common ground as possible.

Now, first of all, Bob and I are pretty good friends. We haven't seen each other in awhile...but it's one of those friendships that tends to pick up right where it left off from those good ol' college days.

But it's not even a personal response meant to challenge Bob's comments as much as it is a general response to these kinds of tendencies....which is why I'm making a point this year to read from just about every controversial author I can think over the next year. Heck, I may even throw in something from John MacArthur to be fair...or James Dobson...who knows!

But one of the things that is so sad to me is how we can dismiss someone and whatever they have to offer the community and body of Christ because of hearsay or because we disagree with them on one particular topic (like liberation theology).

Okay...I feel a little better.


Anonymous said...

First, let me address the book review on Christianity Today's website. Often they will print a book review by an reviewer that is not a Christianity today staffer. Moreover, on numerous occasions Christianity today has been the example of generous orthodoxy! I have read numerous reviews of theirs and have found them to be very fair and insightful. There are other things that bug me about them, but their book, music & movie reviews have been pretty darn solid and very generous.

Secondly, I have read Brian's articles and watched video segments featuring his presentations. I don't have to read his books from cover to cover to know where he is coming from. I have heard Brian speak for himself through various forms of media. Therefore, the conclusions I draw are not from Len Sweet, but myself. I must confess, it's disheartening though, to hear a man of Len's stature express sadness over Brian's move off the deep end. So it is not heresay by any stretch, I don't base my observations on second hand info. In the information age, we have no excuse for side stepping primary sources. It's all right there!

Third, let me address liberation theology. The bottom line is this: It just hasn't been that effective! Ask people on the continent of Africa who they turn to for help, pentecostals or liberal social agencies? Hands down, the answer is Pentecostals. Why? Simple...they are focused on life transformation first. The liberation movement too often has gotten bogged down with structure, policy, and issues of justice to be effective. I am simply making the same observation scores of others have made. The liberation movement has kinda impotent. They need some spiritual viagra.

Finally, as with all things, we must turn to Jesus as our example. We must remember that Jesus created a revolutionary movement of life transformation that happened outside of the system. He's never really in the system! So the next time I hear a politician say they are going to Washington as an outsider to change the status quo, I think I'll throw up. Every candidate runs on the change platform, by the way. This is exactly why Bono has done more for the continent of Africa then anyone in a 'system'- governmental or otherwise. He's a revolutionary, and he's probably more like Jesus than a Washington Politician fer sure. Anyway, I just happen to deep change is best brought about by voices outside of the system. I have more to say about his, but I probably better hold my fire. Thanks for letting me vent.

B.T.W. speaking of venting. Mt. St. Helens vented last weekend. On a clear day I can see the steam.

Chris said...

Hey Bob...good stuff! I just read your most recent comment on my blog and want to respond here in case you don't get the trackbacks on comments from there...I'll paste this over there too.

But anyway...great responses. It actually makes me feel much better about your comments. I'm still fuzzy on the liberation theology stuff b/c I don't totally understand it. I think I drifted off during that lecture from Dr. Cubie! Only one phrase really bothers me from your comment..."getting bogged down with issues of justice..." or something like that. That just raises a red flag for me b/c I think contemporary christians (especially american ones) don't get the significance of justice issues (minor prophets...hello, McFly)

But seriously...thanks for your passionate responses.