I've let some of the political scenery pass me by over the past couple of weeks, but my interest is renewed as I was reading one of my favorite pastor/teach blogs by Greg Boyd.
Check it out here.
What a great perspective Boyd adds to this often blind 'Christian' zeal which is easily ignited by some conservative evangelical ear-tickling rhetoric.
Most of us who fall into that category of evangelical Christianity are SO selective when it comes to the kind of Christianity we want to see advanced. Because it's typically not so much like Jesus as it is like American Christians.
I wouldn't be surprised if America's Civil Religious version of Christianity becomes our downfall(from an historical perspective many years from now).
I loved Greg's comments, very provocative. I blogged about the same issue concerning Mike Huckabee and any other idiot who tries to claim America for the evangelical right. www.plungefaith.blogspot.com
Can I ask why it seems throughout several of the blogs I have read this morning, christian politicians so called "the r'gious right", Dobson, McArthur and those supposedly in "their" camp seem to be demonized by all? Yet we seem to emulate or acknowledge "Bono" as a christian sojourner?
Just curious
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