I was doing a little research on the Little Miami River this afternoon. I'm taking the day Monday to kayak about 25 miles of the river to scout it our for our family canoe outings. (The picture above is near the origin of the river as it empties into the Clifton gorge) On our first little trip a week or so ago, I parked the pick-up vehicle at the wrong branch of the river and we paddled past the end point I had hoped we would land at.
Then a few days after that, I tried again with Deb and the girls and we ended up pulling out at a difficult spot which required about a .25 mile hike with the canoe to a parking lot nearby.
So I need to get a little more familiar with the territory before stranding the family again.
Besides the mapping value of the excursion, of course, will be the chance to be refreshed and have my cup filled. The margins of my life and schedule have disappeared as I've launched back into full-time ministry as well as maintaining a presence at Starbucks. I'm giving it until the end of July to settle or balance...then evaluating the health of continuing with the current obligations.