Thursday, May 10, 2007

Homosexual Tension

That's an interest-raising title, isn't it? Well, I just read over an interesting article from CityBeat here in Cincinnati and it involves one of the popular mega-churches in the area. You can read the article here and visit the church's website here.

I guess my affiliation with Starbucks and the friendships I've developed there with homosexuals makes me very aware of how the church views homosexuality and how we need to reach out to the gay and lesbian community with true Kingdom love and compassion.

My 12 years as a youth pastor, however, cause me to be very aware of the difficulty Crossroads' student pastors probably faced with this situation. Really, I think the senior pastor's careful remarks in the article were pretty strong and should still cause their community to be a safe place for the G&L community to seek the Father.


Katrina A. said...

Man, that is a hard one. I'm with you on the church needing to reach out to homosexual's. But it's such a sticky predicament. Unfortunately, if they don't recognize it as sin, there isn't much you can do, except pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal it to them. The pastor in the article had some pretty amazing insight though. Very thought provoking!

It's such a fine line, accepting people where they are and loving them as the Father does, but still requiring them to have some accountability.

Anonymous said...

She turned back to look and was turned into salt. There is no way I would expose my child (13-14 and younger) to hamosexual behavior. Children need a firm foundation in biblical understanding before beeing exposed to man's sin. This is with the understanding that it is impossible to keep them from everything but I can limit it as much as possible.

I would say the same goes for the christian life as well. Pushing christians to go out and interact with their community when spiritualy they are 8 years old. It is setting them up for hard times and those who encourage it this community initiative should really re-think their motives.