Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A Healthy Conversation

Deb and I had what you would actually call an interview tonight, but I feel like it was more of a healthy conversation. It was unlike any interview I've ever had with a church leadership team in some very good ways.

There was no pretense, no posturing, no nonsense...just an authentic search for God together.

Searching for God...the ever elusive "will of God"...the pursuit of confirmation...the questions of direction and discernment...I feel like we've really turned a corner so to speak on this whole matter.

In the past I've been quick to decide what I would like God to "call" us to do and then just looked for fleece-like confirmations to reinforce MY will. But to really submit to the 'kol yahweh' (voice of God) and spend time in the old tent of meeting...that's where we're at. And the good thing is, for the first time in my life perhaps...I'm ready to wait. I should say "we're" ready to do like the Israelites would (in their better moments) and not move until the cloud of God's presence initiated movement.

1 comment:

Katrina A. said...

VERY cool, very "healthy" place to be! It's really awesome to watch someone else's journey with God and see God actively at work in them. Kudos for listening to His voice!

And what would we do without those amazing spouses?