Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Model vs. Mission

I want to hope that a variety of "church models" can live out an authentic expression of Kingdom life. Part of my angst on this issue involves personal application. For instance, if I have musical and leadership gifts which lend themselves to an event-centered do I reconcile that with the fact that an event-driven church experience is not aligned with Kingdom values?

Can I plug myself into the "system" yet push in a different direction? I believe there's value in a corporate worship experience...but it should prepare for or contribute to a daily experience of intimacy with the Father rather than just fulfilling some need for a spiritual social gathering.

I appreciate John's comment on the previous entry because I think many of us react, critique, blame, and indict the system without thinking through the implications. Especially when you have a family to consider, it's not easy to just decide to be done with the church in its present form. I'm not yet ready to throw out the model just because it has been "mismanaged and distorted" as John mentioned. It certainly is a complex issue though...and I feel like it could take years to detox, reconcile, and move forward.

1 comment:

Mr. Bill said...

What is needed is a fresh perspective. The truth of the matter is that you can get this without leaving the model you currently find problematic but it is difficult. You need to be able to step back long enough to see your gifts and their application differently. It is important to be able to critically examine the model or form but that doesn't mean it has to be vilified.

This will be exceptionally difficult to do in a church plant that is pursuing that model and needs workers.