Sunday, January 09, 2005


I believe strongly that there exist...moments...appointments even...which are divinely orchestrated for our benefit. For those of you outside a supernatural worldview, you might call it “fate” or perhaps even coincidence. But that’s really the easy way out, isn’t it? Irregardless, from my own experiential point of “brew” I must report to you that I had such an appointment today...a divine appointment.

In my own mind and estimation, I was just helping out a buddy...pinch hitting...filling a void...I really was not expecting significant results (probably my first or second mistake...low expectations). But I am quite certain that God was at work on a higher level and my cognizance of that extra-human activity was nonexistent until some time for reflection awakened me to the moment. In order to avoid misperceptions I will spare you the specific details of this encounter, but in general...a great blessing was breathed into my soul! Have you ever experienced such a thing?? A gift of words was given to me that could only have been inspired by the Spirit of God. As I reflect on it again in this format, I am amazed all over again.

We all desire to live a life of significance, don’t we? I do not mean that we just want fortune and fame. Significance is much deeper than that. I think we all want to know that our journey is purposeful...meaningful...impactful. We want to believe that our “footprints” on the impressionable soil of life will lead to joy, fulfillment, and hope...and perhaps even lead others to the same. Well, this morning, my journey was affirmed. My “impact” was celebrated in a humble but significant way. I won’t soon forget the words spoken. I certainly won’t forget the goodness of God to provide such a divine moment...surprising me on what seemed like a mundane little detour on the path.

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