So Bob...have you read Brian's books? Because I'm really not even going to have serious conversations with anyone who's just taking a "he said, she said" or Len said approach to someone's writings. What happened to Leonard anyway? I haven't heard a peep out of him for 2 or 3 years now.
Can you explain this newly packaged version of liberation theology and what's theologically or biblically unsound about it? And I'm not sure any of us white American males should even raise a blood-stained finger towards someone for which liberation has been a serious issue.
If I only agreed with what comes out of Christianity Today's religious spin machine...I certainly wouldn't even be reading Brian's stuff.
Polarization? The religious and theological landscape is already as polarized as take on Brian's approach in "Generous Orthodoxy" is that he genuinely wants these polarized camps to meet on as much common ground as possible.
Now, first of all, Bob and I are pretty good friends. We haven't seen each other in awhile...but it's one of those friendships that tends to pick up right where it left off from those good ol' college days.
But it's not even a personal response meant to challenge Bob's comments as much as it is a general response to these kinds of tendencies....which is why I'm making a point this year to read from just about every controversial author I can think over the next year. Heck, I may even throw in something from John MacArthur to be fair...or James Dobson...who knows!
But one of the things that is so sad to me is how we can dismiss someone and whatever they have to offer the community and body of Christ because of hearsay or because we disagree with them on one particular topic (like liberation theology).
Okay...I feel a little better.