Yeah...I haven't been here in awhile. The Starbucks side of life is commanding most of my time and attention these days. I've been promoted to manage a store of my own and it's a brand-new drive thru in Batesville, IN. Before you start googling a's a long way from where we're at. Although...lots of people commute an hour one-way to work, right?!
Batesville is about the half-way point between Indianapolis and Cincinnati...but it feels a bit closer to Cincy. The store opens up Feb be sure to stop in if you're driving between those two cities...or if you going to Batesville to buy a casket! Yep, it's the home of the Batesville Casket Company.
Besides the coffee pursuits...the other main discussion point in my life right now is a spiritual and ecclesial nature. We're developing some relationships and connections at the church we're attending in Cincinnati, but I still struggle with a sense of "fit" and focus. I find myself being very anti-formulaic right now. If any spiritual concept is described as some kind of formula or 7-step plan...I just automatically start dry heaving! Apparently, I'm also not comfortable with a major thrust to "get people saved." What kind of life in Christ are we trying to convert people to? The one we're currently living out and displaying? If so...I'm not sure I'd be signing up.
See ya next month...
I don't know anyone who commutes an hour to work.
Go to this church for the sake of your wife and kids for now. Build relationships with those you can. Question things appropriately when given the opportunity but don't be contentious. Do not expect different results from this commitment. Do not jump in to "ministry opportunities" expecting them to make you feel better or differently. You need to do it because its the right thing to do right now. Do your dry heaving in private. Do all of this for at least a year.
Came across your blog when I was surfing. First let me say I'm a Starbucks fan. Congrats on your new store.
As for the church deal, I was in the same place a couple years ago. Haven't attended regularly since. The whole 12 step approach to Christianity has to go. I loved your questions, "What kind of life in Christ are we trying to convert people to?". The "church" today isn't trying to introduce people to a person because they are too busy trying to build attendance for their programs. I'd encourage you to check out if you aren't familiar with it and listen to some of the podcasts.
I look forward to reading more of your blog in the future.
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