Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Waiting Period

Nothing too philosophical wrapped up in today's title. We're literally waiting...for Adelphia to show up and install some high-speed internet.

I got a new cell phone through Verizon and was trying out their broadband connect service...but it's just not a good deal for the money. We tried to downsize to a single cell phone and relatively no internet (dial-up) but it wasn't working. We'll have to pursue simplicity in every other area!

Anyway, I was wondering how many of those who occasionally stop by my blog have blogs of your own? I'd love to reciprocate the favor of reading and posting if you have something out there I don't already know about. If you do, please post the address in a comment or email it to me at coffeebean71@hotmail.com.


1 comment:

Mr. Bill said...

send me your new numbers