Monday, October 10, 2005

Candy-Coated Christianity

I was just surfing around and found Erwin Mcmanus' new project. The tagline for the book is "the greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity." As I was admiring someone else's journey the other day, it occurred to me that Jesus might be quite ticked off about what is passing for Christianity these days. It forces me to evaluate my own "version" of Christianity as well.

AIDs...poverty...hunger...injustice...aiding victims of natural disasters...there are plenty of opportunities to follow the example of Christ. Where does living a comfortable middle-class existence fit into all of that?

But on the other hand...all I know to do is faithfully live out the Kingdom as I know it and experience it right now. Perhaps encouraging the Kingdom life in others will bring me closer and closer to living it myself. We get so easily entrenched in the culture and enslaved to our lifestyles with its paralyzing debt and materialistic ambitions. Or is that just me? What would we do for the Kingdom if we were free from those encumberances?


BT said...

Comment Spam: What a shame.

Thanks for your honest thoughts, Chris...We, too, have been struggling with Kingdom-thinking and how it fits in the affluent USA.


Chris said...

yeah...please don't anyone click on that spam crap!

jimi said...

if you turn on word verification in your settings, those will go away...

Chris said...

thanks jimi...I'll do that. How's life at Panera and Heritage?