Perhaps it would be wise for us to remove the Ten Commandments and other Christian or religious symbols from government and public properties?! I was just reading a front (web) page “article” on regarding all the Supreme Court discussions of cases like the one in Texas, Kentucky, and other states being battled out in our courtrooms.
The article cites a poll statistic revealing that 76% of Americans agree with the displays. I wonder what would happen if 76% of Americans would LIVE by them?!
Also fresh on my mind is a somewhat humorous response I sent to my Dad who pastors a small rural congregation in Indiana. He jokingly suggested that he knew of a church I might fit into if we decided to move to that area. I almost laughed out loud because I’m convinced that there are very few churches that I fit into in my current frame of mind, politics, and spirituality. As I was sharing with my Dad why I feel this is the case...I pushed the envelope a bit and suggested to him that the best thing that could happen to the church in America is the removal of our freedom of worship. That would certainly clear up some issues on church and state wouldn’t it?!
I believe that if the true religion of America (secular humanism) was honestly acknowledged, Christianity might be rediscovered in ways which would radically transform the way that we engage our world on a daily basis.
Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Stone him! Stone him! Forget pushing the envelope, let's just put it through the shredder and have a party with the confetti!
why don't you just move to Canada
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