Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A Tumultuous Tuesday

I suppose "tumult" might be a bit of an exaggeration. I am not experiencing "violent or overwhelming turbulence or upheaval." (Merriam-Webster) I don't know why I'm quoting the dictionary today...as if you don't know the meaning of tumult! I kind of get tired of hearing Webster quoted...especially on Sunday mornings! (just a little pet peeve I guess)

Tuesday's are always somewhat tumultuous for me though. It's the day before my LONG day of classes up at Ashland. For those of you in school...I know you feel my pain and identify with me all too well. But halle-flippin-lujah! I have only twelve weeks of school remaining and my masters degree is finished. In the word/s of Christ...teleostai...it is finished (or will be soon).

But that reminds me of a deeper tumult to be reflecting on today. I am still trying to keep the season of Lent and an attitude of reflection and repentance in the front lobe of my mind. Even as I was reading something today during a quiet time at Starbucks, I was reminded of Christ's suffering for us. I was also reminded by the likes of St. John of the Cross and Henri Nouwen that we all at times experience seasons of suffering. Whether you call it the "dark night of the soul," the "ministry of absence," or just a personal desert...be encouraged that Christ is near...even in the darkness...He knows all about pain and suffering.

Even when life is good (so to speak) I am so encouraged to know God is near at all times...because we're all just a blink away from the "dark night..."

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