Friday, December 31, 2004

The Last Entry of the Year

The past year has seriously been a blur! As I look back, it’s easy to see that I have undergone more transition, stress, and angst in the past year than any other year of my far. Of course, change effects not only me personally, but those around me as well...especially my wife and girls.

Although life has not yet become stress-free, I would have to say that I am ending the year much healthier than when it began. My priorities have been simplified. My schedule has been reduced to a nearly manageable pace (within six more months I will finally enter of phase of life with what some people call MARGIN! I don’t think I’ve experienced a healthy amount of space in my life since high school). Our budget has certainly been simplified...painfully so. But that too represents a healthy transition which will significantly affect the quality of my marriage and family dynamics.

Speaking of family...I have an incredibly patient, kind, unselfish, and Godly wife...not to mention she’s a hottie. I have two beautiful healthy girls. Jessica turned five in August and is so smart. She’s enjoying kindergarten and loves barbies. Jaquelyn will be two in March and is chattering away. Some of the words we can even translate now! Being a father is by far the most fulfilling, emotionally challenging, joy producing responsibility I could ever be blessed with. I can’t wait to see what the new year brings into the daddy-daughter experience.

Nearly a year ago I began the transition out of a career of professional ministry into the greater ministry realm of life. I use the word “greater” not as a comparative term but as a geographical term. For twelve years I have pursued God within the context of church, religion, and the denominational institution. Now I have chosen to pursue God in some different ways and allow Him to transform my everyday life into a practice of presence. I don’t foresee the church/institution dropping completely off the map of my journey, but it will certainly no longer be the epicenter of spiritual activity that it once was. I am convinced that this is a very healthy transition for me as well as for my family.

For those who may be wondering how the interview went (which I mentioned in my previous entry), it really could not have gone much better. I anticipate hearing good or bad news by the end of next week. We’ll see. I’m quite confident that unseen hands are guiding me in this whole process. I look forward to opportunities of building relationships, developing an enjoyable career environment, and making an impact within a specifically defined community during the next year. The journey is such a better experience when you take time to pull over and check out the “scenic overlooks.” The path is not always easy but the destination is well worth the effort.

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