This book was not necessarily an easy read because of the format. I often find it difficult to read something like an anthology or collection of someone's writings like this. But I hoped it would be a good introduction to Merton's writings. If that was the goal...mission accomplished.
So far...the themes that I'm really enjoying from Merton would include pilgrimage and contemplation.
Here's a great paragraph towards the end of this collection:
I stand among you as one who offers a small message of hope, that first, there are always people who dare to seek on the margin of society, who are not dependent on social acceptance, not dependent on social routine, and prefer a kind of free-floating existence under a state of risk. And among these people, if they are faithful to their own calling, to their own vocation, and to their own message from God, communication of the deepest level is possible.
Certainly one of the things I'm trying to live out right now is this idea of being faithful to my own calling, vocation, and message.