Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pagan Christianity: My 6 of Spades

I inserted an image in a previous post, so nothing but text today!

Apart from the implications that my ordination is presumptuous, my livelihood is unscriptural, and, I've tithed for all the wrong reasons for 37 years now...it was a good book with which to engage.

Knowing the human condition from my own personal albeit limited experience, I have no problem at all believing that it only took a couple of hundred years for the church to begin veering off track and inappropriately institutionalizing what was meant to be an organic and Spirit-guided enterprise of faith and Kingdom living.

The big question, however, is how to take the church we now experience and navigate a transition towards the original concept of ekklesia and spiritual apprenticeship.

I would venture to say that my life and 'ministry' experience will look VERY different in 2 to 3 years...I'm just not sure exactly how to get there with family, marriage, career, etc in tact.

You can visit the author's website for more information on the book. I would also encourage you to evaluate the claims and search the scriptures before drawing any 'hard' conclusions.


Lew said...

amazing candor. precious post to look back on in a little while.

Jilliefl1 said...

The sequel to “Pagan Christianity?” is out now. It’s called “Reimagining Church”. It picks up where “Pagan Christianity” left off and continues the conversation. (“Pagan Christianity” was never meant to be a stand alone book; it’s part one of the conversation.) “Reimagining Church” is endorsed by Leonard Sweet, Shane Claiborne, Alan Hirsch, and many others. You can read a sample chapter at
It’s also available on Amazon.com. Frank is also blogging now at http://www.frankviola.wordpress.com