Friday, February 03, 2006

Speaking of Floods

A friend in youth ministry will be traveling with me to New Orleans and the gulf coast area next weekend. The desire to contribute in some way to relief efforts from the summer's hurricanes has been gnawing at me for the past few months. So I'm very excited to spend some time in the area and decide who we might partner with to lend a hand.

We had the opportunity to sign our students up for a couple of other mission trip options, but I've not felt good about any of them. One of the reasons for this has been a sense that so many mission trips and service projects turn out to be token conscience-comforting endeavors which fail to truly change our perspective of what it means to participate in community with people in need. I will also be meeting with an individual in the coming week who pastors a congregation in the heart of Dayton. For months now I've had a heavy sense of mission towards the community in which this church exists. I think a better way to approach missions and service is to develop an ongoing relationship with a group of people whose lives become woven into the fabric of our own. Not just token drive-by missions I want our students to develop a Kingdom lifestyle of meeting needs.


=)Bnpositive said...

Contact me about an opportunity that is in great need and something that a good team could probably handle in a good full day of work.

BT said...

Chris--(Random) How are you and all these other people getting these drawn pictures that look just like you?


James said...

"I think a better way to approach missions and service is to develop an ongoing relationship with a group of people whose lives become woven into the fabric of our own. Not just token drive-by missions I want our students to develop a Kingdom lifestyle of meeting needs."
- Right on brother! I think that this has to be our end goal and part of our daily life as a body.