Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Good Flesh, Bad Flesh

It's interesting to me how much of a correlation there is between physical and spiritual things. After just two days of taking much better care of my body, the Spirit and the Mind begin to soar. I think we way underestimate this connection as Christians...which is why an obese Christian bigot can rant on some soap box spiritual issue without seeing the hypocrisy. (That came out a little more harshly than it previously existed in my mind, but I favor this footnote over deletion.)

I guess this correlation makes me think a little more deeply about food and eating habits. There must be much more significance to those choices than I've been led to believe to this point. So we need to distinguish between flesh and flesh...sarx and soma maybe? Taking care of the "temple" is not necessarily catering to the "flesh" but cooperating with the Spirit and Mind and the Image.

All that to say...I feel great!


miz fuhrell said...

you know, I've stopped by for a while but just had to comment because my husband and I were having this very conversation yesterday, too. there are too many people with license to tell others what holiness and godliness look like when they seem to have one leg shackled to the buffet. if their shows on TBN were cartoons, I envision their heads turning into donkeys and you hear the "hee-haw!".
(this is, by the way, the one formerly known as staker)

MaryAnn Mease said...

oh my word!!
when i moved here i visited this church here...very friendly folk.

but then...as his head was turning red and the veins were a poppin from his holiness sermon.(it was the same excitement level of preaching every Sunday at precisely the same minute into the service)...

he proceeded to blast those "presbyterians who park their boats in the church parkin lot so they can run around half naked all afternoon"

my mind was thinkin:
1.) they are our brothers in Christ, why are they the enemy?
2.) no one in here except for about 3 of us could even FIND their swimsuit and dare to put it on.
3.) but its okay to sit at the buffet table all afternoon long eh?

it made me so angry I almost stood up and shouted the #3...
instead i left and never went back.