Leadership can be a lonely place, as this picture implies. In a meeting last night, a friend made some comments about leadership and the model we find in Scripture. The discussion has instigated a lot of thought in my mind about it.
Basically, the "top-down" paradigm of a visionary aggressive leader was equated with the biblical model. This was compared to a "leadership by consensus" approach.
I believe you can find scriptural precedence for both paradigms of leadership. At times, God spoke clearly through one person to a group of people. At other times, I believe God certainly did help a group of people (the disciples/apostles) come to decisions by consensus.
Perhaps in my mind, it's another instance of a changing culture. I think leadership should be viewed as a community effort in the church. And many church folks are reluctant to follow pastoral leadership now just because someone has a "word from the Lord." I know I'm certainly skeptical when I hear someone say that!
Obviously, enough pastors have failed morally, ethically, and otherwise to warrant a little caution and consensus. And as a "pastor" type, I don't know that I want to just lay it out there and expect people to follow with a good bit of input and counsel.