Monday, January 30, 2006

Rivers & Floods: I heard a great description of leadership over the past weekend which continues to soak my mind with the need for some change. The basic concept implies that many people are floods. Their lives are not channeled in one direction and purpose (like a river) but just heap up like a flood that has no real direction. My life is certainly in a flood stage right now. I'm distracted with personal financial issues, thoughts of future career and education, the current demands and expectations on my time and work, along with a gnawing absence of authentic community and relationships for our family. For purposes of ministry, family health, and personal peace...I need to channel my energy and focus in a specific Spirit-initiated direction. For various reasons, I have been unable to focus and forge ahead emotionally and spiritually. Let's just drive a stake in the ground, heap up a pile of stones and mark this point in the journey as a landmark of new beginnings. A life that floods its boundaries and moves in every possible direction causes damage in many ways. A river is useful...a resource for those around it...a means of getting from one place to another. That sounds a little more like it to me. It's been awhile since I've had a moment of clarity like this.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Flames of Heaven

I've been listening to Rob Bell lately and one of his messages has really challenged me. Actually, most of his teaching challenges, inspires, and enlightens me on various levels. If you've never heard of the guy, check out his website and you can download some mp3 teachings or just check out the Mars Hill community.

Anyway, the challenge has to do with the Kingdom of Heaven (not the movie) crashing into earth (our present kingdom) and whether or not that would be a good to its impact on the current state of affairs. And the Jewish concept of heaven was less geographical than it was an ideological reality. That's why it makes so much sense that the Kingdom could be right now and not just an eschatological concept or event.

The reason I find this so challenging is because I think most of us (evangelical church-immersed christians) overestimate how pleased God is with current level at which we're living out the Kingdom. We're quick to identify with Jesus and echo words of judgment for pharisees, religious biggots, and the like...but just how painful would it be if the Kingdom came crashing into my life right now. Would Jesus encounter me as a good-intentioned disciple who just needs to make some minor adjustments? Or would he start throwing things, cracking the whip and condemning my pathetic misguided attempts at Kingdom life? I just think we might often give ourselves too much credit. Why else would Christianity and the Church look so different from New Testament stuff?

Friday, January 20, 2006

My 100th Post

I had one of those kinds of days today which kind of lights your fire, you know? There are some exciting things going on...but at the same time...there's a chance some things just stagnate and start molding so to speak. But one of the things I realized, even as I was challenging students, is that our attitude and response to circumstances and to other people gigantically factors into how hopeful we feel about the immediate future.

There is such a thin line between frustration and fervor...despair and delight...anxiety and anticipation!

When you're on the wrong side of that equilibrium, how does one generate the emotional energy to alter attitude? Is it merely an act of the will? Is it chemical or biological? Is it an act of God...the Spirit's nudge on just the right endorphin?!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cutting It Close

Well, I'm just a few hours away from potentially ruining my perfect workout attendance streak. Do I just punish myself for sleeping in by hitting the weights at 9pm or just combine today's weight training with tomorrow mornings aerobic thing? I guess we'll see what happens when I get home in about an hour.

I think it would be so much easier to stay in shape and exercise if we didn't have jobs, family, and pursuits of leisure all getting in the way.

And it would be easier to eat right if there were some healthy organic fast food restraunts out there. There's an idea...although the combo meal would jump from about $5 to $12 or $15 I imagine. But ocassionally, it might be worth it...driving thru for some Balsamic Salmon Salad or a BBQ Chicken Pita Pizza...with a side of low-fat cottage cheese.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


So I just shared a message/talk with a bunch of teenagers in Pennsylvania urging them to live a "one thing" of distractions. That's obviously wishful thinking for any of us, but I find myself in that situation again...with a desire to cut out distractions and surplus activity in exchange for margin, peace, rest, community, focus, etc. It took me all of about 2 months to fall into the same grinding routine which characterized life and ministry pre-Starbucks. Will I have to return to my barista calling to put things back into order?!

As for my health and fitness efforts...I've done great on the workout/exercise routine. It's the 6 smaller meals a day I'm struggling with. I have no problem eating 6 times a day, but it's the 'smaller' part that's giving me fits. Overall though, I've certainly been eating a much better selection of healthy foods and my energy level, attitude, and morale is all quite high. One week down and eleven to go.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Tugging the Hamstrings

Dang'it...who knew dumbbell lunges would be so painful. I thought the lower-body workout day would be the easiest. I hope those strings on the back of my legs don't pop.

I haven't been as successful at changing the eating habits as I have been at the workouts, but it's still a gigantic improvement over where I've been the past few weeks.

I love how some "blast from the past" character occasionally drops a comment. That serves up a dish of nostalgia which is always welcome on the menu! Hope all is well! ('ang' and others)

Visited a health food store nearby yesterday...wild stuff! It's only a block away which is cool in case we decide to go all organic. From toothpaste to cat food...what an alternative lifestyle...appealing in a sadistic sort of way.

Well, it's nearing time for my 4th miniature meal of the day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Good Flesh, Bad Flesh

It's interesting to me how much of a correlation there is between physical and spiritual things. After just two days of taking much better care of my body, the Spirit and the Mind begin to soar. I think we way underestimate this connection as Christians...which is why an obese Christian bigot can rant on some soap box spiritual issue without seeing the hypocrisy. (That came out a little more harshly than it previously existed in my mind, but I favor this footnote over deletion.)

I guess this correlation makes me think a little more deeply about food and eating habits. There must be much more significance to those choices than I've been led to believe to this point. So we need to distinguish between flesh and flesh...sarx and soma maybe? Taking care of the "temple" is not necessarily catering to the "flesh" but cooperating with the Spirit and Mind and the Image.

All that to say...I feel great!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Body for Life

So it's just about time I went through a physical fitness phase again. Typically, I don't get this urge around the new year, but for some reason...the timing is just about right. I've been feeling pretty negative about my body, energy level, waistline, and health in general for the past couple of months. Now I've reached that point where you finally decide..."I'm sick of this!" I went to put on a pair of pants on Sunday morning two weeks ago and couldn't even get the snaps close enough to see each other. I threw the pants to the floor in disgust. I attempted to briskly jog a short distance two days ago and when I got inside, someone commented "Were you running?" The truth is "no"...what I attempted could not be categorized as running, but the way my body & breathing were reacting, you would've thought I just finished a 10k. Anyway, it's not just physical discipline that is called for. My neglect of healthy nutrition and exercise is symptomatic of a lack of discipline in other areas as well. The spirit, emotions, mind, finances...all seem to rise and fall together to an extent.

As we were thrift store hopping the other day (which I'm kind of new to, but now will never pay retail prices again!), I came across a book called Body for Life for $.99. I couldn't resist. It looked kind of like all the other get fit, think positively kinds of books with corny before and after pictures inside the front cover. But I bought it anyway...and so's been a great motivation. Don't worry...whether you like it or not...I'll keep you posted on the progress. So far, I have perfect attendance at my 6-day per week workout sessions. But that would certainly be due to the fact that it's day 1 of 84! If nothing else, I'll be in a little better shape when the cycling season comes around and it's time to ride across Indiana again!